Watch the World(s).
A Second Life Machinima by Robbie Dingo.
(Duration 4'17")
"Frameless heads on nameless walls, with eyes that watch the world and can't forget - like the strangers that you've met". [Don McLean].

Ever looked at your favorite painting and wished you could wander inside, to look at it from different perspectives? Spend a single day in one of mine, from early sunrise on a new day, to dusk when lights come on in cosy homes; through a peaceful night, till morning.
Shot on location in Second Life then post-produced, this was an idea I had a while ago. The Sim in this work was on temporary loan so it's all been swept away now, leaving only the film behind. It was always intended however that the video would be the end product, not the build.
This work is dedicated to the many weird and very wonderful strangers from around the globe I have met, but have neverreally met.
(For more detail on how this was put together, please read this article by Wagner Jame Au over at New World Notes).
Higher Quality version (900 x 600) / (Recommended).
- Compressed to a 97.6MB, full sized download.
Mid Quality version (450 x 300)
- Compressed to a 47.5MB, half sized download.
Lower Quality version (450 x 300)
- Heavily compressed to a reasonable half sized 22.6MB stream.
or Lowest Quality YouTube:-
(Duration 4'17")
"Frameless heads on nameless walls, with eyes that watch the world and can't forget - like the strangers that you've met". [Don McLean].

Ever looked at your favorite painting and wished you could wander inside, to look at it from different perspectives? Spend a single day in one of mine, from early sunrise on a new day, to dusk when lights come on in cosy homes; through a peaceful night, till morning.
Shot on location in Second Life then post-produced, this was an idea I had a while ago. The Sim in this work was on temporary loan so it's all been swept away now, leaving only the film behind. It was always intended however that the video would be the end product, not the build.
This work is dedicated to the many weird and very wonderful strangers from around the globe I have met, but have neverreally met.
(For more detail on how this was put together, please read this article by Wagner Jame Au over at New World Notes).
Higher Quality version (900 x 600) / (Recommended).
- Compressed to a 97.6MB, full sized download.
Mid Quality version (450 x 300)
- Compressed to a 47.5MB, half sized download.
Lower Quality version (450 x 300)
- Heavily compressed to a reasonable half sized 22.6MB stream.
or Lowest Quality YouTube:-
Beautiful (as always, am I tempted to say). Very admirative of your art...
Robbie, I am sitting here with goosebumps after seeing what might just be the best piece of machinima I have ever seen. Besides the basic idea of it there is so much I love about this:
*How this shows the potential for artistic collaboration across time and mediums.
*How the video has it's own "the making of" meta data exposed.
*How you down sampled the video in places to a more abstract look.
I could go on, but really just want to say: Very very well done!
Thanks guys. What lovely comments!
Very very moving. When it hit me what you were creating, I gasped.
Incredible work. Simply incredible.
jesus robbie, the goosebumps and then the crying. thank you for all you do. i cherish your vision.
Beautiful and very touching work, Robbie. :)
I was like - Oh no, another in the line of SL machinima about building something. La la la. Just really well editing. La la la. But wouldn't it be cool if something totally unexpected happened, that gave meaning to all of this building, something magical...
and then it did. And I was totally blown away.
Btw, you might enjoy the machinima produced by the teens in our after school program about child soldiers in Uganda:
Beautiful work Robbie...completely beyond where any of us could have imagined in four minutes. Thank you for taking us there.
Exceptional work Robbie... what more can I say *smiles*
Very nice. I'm not sure if I actually liked it, but I do appreciate the effort that went into it.
It's actually quite exciting to see someone explore an artistic interpretation in this way. I wonder if it has any limits, or if the producer is the limitation? Either way, congratulations: you have produced something that is unique.
Carolyn Ann
Shivers still running up and down my spine - Robbie your work, your art is inspiring
What a lovely 3D canvas upon which song and artistry blends to form a thoughtful, evocative mood. The song, Vincent, is lovely for this work.
Switching between the different types of media takes us from the mechanics of the build into the emerging landscape, the starry night that yields to dawn's first light.
Great closing, shifting from Second Life back to the canvas. This shift in perspective reminds me that the essence of those that I have loved and lost remains with me in every reality.
Thank you,
Lyr Lobo from Second Life
Simply astounding!
To say I am blown away is to diminish the impact this video has made.
Bravo good sir.
-Ghoti @ SL
Stunningly beautiful! Thank you!
Robbie, one of the courses that I have been teaching is one called Reviewing the Arts, in which I have a section near the end dedicated to virtual art or art in cyberspace. My students, however, don't always realize the time and effort some of the projects entail. While some are quite impressed with some of the art created in SL, others have sometimes commented that they just don't "get it" -- or that it seems to be merely a reproduction of "real" art in the real world. But I plan to show your video to my class in the fall -- it was superb! An excellent example of how art can be created within a virtual world. I'd also love to talk to you about perhaps meeting my fall class inworld (sometime in November) to talk about the process that was involved, if you are willing. Thanks!
Your SL videos are the rare type of machinima that successfully evoke strong emotions.
And I think that "Starry Night" is a superb idea. I love Van Gogh's work and realised what you were creating relatively quickly. And yet, you still managed to keep me enthralled and make me smile wistfully at the end. How I wish I could walk into the painting too...
The beauty of it is that you gave us a glimpse of not only the finished work but of the creation process as well. It didn't feel far away from watching a painter create that beautiful landscape.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
Just one word, wow!
Starry Night is my all-time favorite painting and that video was just plain beautiful. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wishes she could stroll right into it though!
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I am at a loss for words for the vision and originality on display here. I love the concept of reinterpreting and adapting rl art to the medium of SL, which you've shown in spades in this *wonderful* video.
DLing the high res version as we speak...
Please keep it up!
Thanks Robbie, for providing a humble Linden here with inspiration to keep on going through all the obstacles and challenges and naysayers.
Completely stunning and inspirational. A beautiful piece of creativity. Thank you. Misty
Robbie -- I already adore your amazing hyper-musical instruments in SL.. Now this! Utterly and amazingly mind-blowing. Brought tears to my eyes --- your vision and your generosity!
Thank you one million times!
Bluewave Ogee/Leslie Jarmon
Beautiful, just beautiful. sure vincent would be honored!
I "slash dotted" you at the CG Society forums. Hope you don't mind.
Come to think of it, I think I really WILL slash dot you.
Gorgeous. Thank you.
Your craftwork is superb. Thank you.
Robbie, this is absolutely beautiful. van Gogh would have loved it, had he lived to enter the third dimension with the means we share today. Thank you. Xon
Breathlessly incredible. What more can one say?
absolutely took my breath away
Dear Robbie Dingo,
I’m one of the curators of “Memories of the Future” (, a Brazilian art and technology show.
I’m asking permission to show "Watch the World(s)” in our Second Life space:
This is a very intriguing and beautiful work that I’d like to present to the Brazilian “physical” audience (there is a screen onto which is projected our SL space to the visitors).
About Julian Dibbell’s recent experience with our world:
Looking forward,
Guilherme Kujawski
well done!!! now how about an origional eh? I know, no one, or rather very few, people will tune in to see anything origional but do it for your artistic self...
Requesting a Sim Rollback for wherever that was made! Beautiful!
Robbie, that's the most poetic machinima I have seen to date. A very worthy homage to Van Gogh. You're a brilliant artist. Thanks for sharing.
Chenin Anabuki in SL
I've only recently begun to dabble with building things in SL.... and I am SO inspired by what you've done. That was absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us.
CeeJay Writer
A stunner, it made me cry of happiness watching this
Robbie that was simply astounding!
A clever concept executed with style and grace that belies the enormous amount of work that went into it.
You took us on a journey and surprised us with the destination!
And now, like a castle in the sand, only the memory remains.
Thank you for this gift.
Kiwidude Klinger
I don't know if there's an official procedure to submit something to the MOMA, but that video should be there.
this truly is an inspired/inspiring piece of work
Robbie, this was such a beautiful thing to watch. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. you actually made me cry, I know this will be a favorite of mine for a long time.
Dear robbie,
The Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival (and Market) is the most important event devoted to international short films and we hope you will be interested in submitting your film Watch the World(s) to our forthcoming Festival.
So would you please fill in the online registration form and send us DVD/VHS preview copies (one for the selection committee, one for the Market).
The process is the following:
Regulations, online entry form and information about our Festival 2008 (February 1-9, 2008) are available through our website
You can enter your films directly online using the multi-festival registration module First, you must create an account to get a login and password.
We invite you to send your latest productions to us from now on, and before the deadline of October 22, 2007.
Registration deadline: October 15, 2007.
The requirements for the international competition are as follows:
- films completed after January 1, 2006
- duration : 40 minutes or less
- format : 35mm, DigiBeta Pal or Beta SP Pal
There is no application for the Lab competition since the films will be chosen from those submitted to the national and international competitions.
Registration to the 23rd Short Film Market is free of charge provided that a specific copy has been received by November 16, 2007.
You'll then need to send 2 DVD or VHS (in the same package), one for preview and one for the Market, at the address below.
Best regards,
Calmin Borel
Robbie, inspiring and raises the machinima bar! Did you keep the terrain file and the box up the builds? I'm thinking about seeing if we could get someone to host it for a week or two if you did. (Corwin Carillon)
Robbie, I've just watched this for the fifth or sixth time, and each time I am more deeply moved. This time I began to weep during the "no hope was left in sight" section as that beautiful starry night descended and I saw for the first time the tiny flying artist in the sky.
Thank you so very much for this extraordinary work. And thank you for the dedication, one that names my own gratitude for this strange and wonderful medium and the people there.
Thank you.
Stunningly beautiful and touching. You really captured me and held me hypnotized. Although Van Goh has always been a favorite, this production transcends beyond appreciation of the artists vision... It literally places you in the eye of the artist in an unexpected and unique way.
I can't get enough of the video. The timing of the video editing to the McLean's song is superb (I wonder what the 'American Pie' musician would make of this creation), the final landscape incredible, and the flybys jaw-dropping. The appearance of the quick creation just screams of a desperate desire to express oneself.
I suffer from bouts of depression, so this wonderful creation has a special significance for me. It speaks to me, not only of the emotional pain that Van Gogh went through, but of the turmoil of all people that quietly endure the hardship of a mental illness.
Thank you ever so much!
Hi there, just to tell you i am a huge fan of your work, please keep bringing us your sensibility and creativity.
Robbie, you have enriched my virtual world through your most worthy homage to a true master. This is the most poetic and beautiful multimedia art I have experienced in SL to date! While viewing the film, I was given pause to reflect on the unlimited possibilities of beauty and creativity in a virtual world where the spirit of a soul is breathed into the bits, bytes, electrons and photons to order them into beautiful existence that may be wiped clean from the virtual world but never from our memories.
Wow. Wonderful. ESL teacher from Seoul Korea just seein this. Simply beautiful. Thank you
I have seen it 3 times within the past half hour, and I have wept all 3 times. I will save this forever! Absolutely lovely!
Truly stunning!
The video is amazing, but for heaven's sake, if you ever create something on this scale again in-world again, have a word with Philip Linden. I'm sure he'd take the call and I have a sneaking suspicion that he might see his way to letting you keep a work like this around for a while so that everyone can come visit and be inspired.
Thank you for making my day :)
Someone pointed me to this video, and I went into it not knowing what to expect. When the sky started tiling in, I suddenly realized what I was watching, and I sat there dumbfounded, mouth open, with tears streaming down my face through the rest of it and for five minutes after.
I don't think I have ever been so moved by a piece of art. Thank you for creating it and sharing it!
Gives me chills still when I watch your video. Just incrediable!!!!! Beautiful. I share it with everyone I meet.
Hi Robbie,
Hugh Hancock suggested I contact you about "Watch the Worlds" - so here goes!
I am curating an exhibition of Machinima for the Revelation International Film festival in Perth, Australia, and I would love to include your "Watch the Worlds" in the exhibition.
For the past four years I have had an association with the Revelation International Film Festival ( and while I have in the recent past curated exhibitions of "new media" for Revelation (, this year I have decided to curate an exhibition of contemporary Machinima in honour of Peter Rasmussen (a good friend of mine), maker of "Stolen Life", "Killer Robot" etc., who recently passed away.
The exhibition and Revelation begins in early July, 2008, so I have to work quick!
I think "Watch the Worlds" is an excellent, cutting-edge machinima - would you allow me to screen it in the exhibition?
If you would like it to be included, I would need a hi-res version of it, as it will be projected on a big screen in the gallery.
Is it possible to get a hi-res copy?
Anyway, I'd love to hear from you ASAP!
Robbie Dingo Thankyou. Passion and a different kind of vision from each of the minds/times that contributed. Powerful combination.
I worked on a short play called Vincent written by Leonard Nimoy nearly two years ago. We used the same song by Don McLean (appropriately). This actualization of a painter's inspiration was heartwarming to watch, and brought tears to my eyes. I can't put into words how moving it was to watch. Thank you.
This is absolutely stunning, and like others have said here, brought tears to my eyes.
I often say when I run across a creating by someone who was clearly after more than just satisfying a client, or chasing a buck that "Someone loved that [fill in the blank]." The talent, purpose and dedication employed here to create something for the purpose of being beautiful are humbling.
At a time when we're all daily bombarded with such doom & gloom, bad news compounded by misery, the fact that someone dared to create something so uplifting, so filled with soul, is inspiring. Andrew Sullivan gave you a shout-out as a "Mental Health Break," and I am enthusiastically seconding that at
Good Job! :)
nice post
You do amazing work. Has the video been removed by you? I found it on Youtube but it appears to be posted by someone else and has only 303 views. I remember seeing yours at one time with many thousands of views. When I click on your video here of "Watch the World(s)" it says it has been removed.
I was able to see your "Watch the Worlds(s) revisited on YouTube but can't find the version of this one from you.
Beautiful work Robbie...completely beyond where any of us could have imagined in four minutes. Thank you for taking us there.
Why has the video been removed from YouTube?
I think nothing left to say more .
The problem of living a second life in the digital world became really up-to-date today. Once I raised this question in an essay paper, coming to a conclusion that on one hand spending too much time online helps to relax, but in some cases it may be
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Wow, quite good article, thanks
This will make me busy all day, or maybe even longer. Thanks for the information.
This video is not working anymore !! :(
I'm a fan of the paintings, I love your perspective of art, I downloaded a few and left me surprised. thank you very much to leave me comment and especially to share valuable information with us readers ...
Great info!!! thanks
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Art is a beautiful thing. I would have to say it is not srange at all.
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