He Still Watches (Machinima)
Real world author, Dale Moses (Second Life resident, Dale Bolero) recently posted a request on the SL forums. He wanted a machinima film to work as a trailer for his online novel titled- "He Still Watches".
Dale also contacted me directly about this, but by the time I got round to replying he had already taken up an offer from another film maker.
Still, I thought this project looked interesting - I greatly admire the 'get up and go' and innovative approach Dale has gone for here (he is publishing only one page per day, seven pages per week, and posting them for anyone to freely read via his website, whilst selling advertising on each page, neat idea) - so I thought I would do a film for him in any case, for fun.
Watch the BlipTV Version Here.
Set myself a tight schedule, to see what I could do in three (full and long) days:-
Day 1 - Story Board, Building Sets/Props, Designing Character, Scripts, etc.
Day 2 - Filming and Editing.
Day 3 - Sound Design and Mixing.
(Thanks out to Reuben & Chris at Millions of Us for a 2 day Island Loan, and to Foolish Frost for his scripted book I modified for a prop, cheers guys).
Watch the You Tube Version Here.
Dale also contacted me directly about this, but by the time I got round to replying he had already taken up an offer from another film maker.
Still, I thought this project looked interesting - I greatly admire the 'get up and go' and innovative approach Dale has gone for here (he is publishing only one page per day, seven pages per week, and posting them for anyone to freely read via his website, whilst selling advertising on each page, neat idea) - so I thought I would do a film for him in any case, for fun.
Watch the BlipTV Version Here.
Set myself a tight schedule, to see what I could do in three (full and long) days:-
Day 1 - Story Board, Building Sets/Props, Designing Character, Scripts, etc.
Day 2 - Filming and Editing.
Day 3 - Sound Design and Mixing.
(Thanks out to Reuben & Chris at Millions of Us for a 2 day Island Loan, and to Foolish Frost for his scripted book I modified for a prop, cheers guys).
Watch the You Tube Version Here.